The truth is the truth!

images-2Think and meditate on these words today, because thinking is the process of asking and answering questions within. You will always experience your words and your actions, The way you treat your neighbor, is a true reflection of how you treat yourself. because your life flows out of your heart (subconscious mind)

Speak words of love and encouragement today, because our words have the power to heal empower and inspire. Focus on speaking and spreading Good news, because it brings health to the bones and a cheerful heart is good medicine. The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge and the tongue of the wise spreads knowledge. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life proverbs 11. Longing fulfilled is a tree of life. W

The simple minded believe in anything but the wise give thought to their steps. Who ever is patient has great understanding. Whoever ignores discipline will find poverty and shame. Wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways The one who gets wisdom loves life. The one who cherishes understanding will soon get wealth. Always remember to love your neighbor as yourself because you are the world pushed out.

You will reap what you sow this is the law and it will never change. The truth is not black or white, the truth is not the religious, political left or the right. The truth is the truth. You will experience what you think about all day long and there is no way round this LAW! What you believe about yourself and the world is your truth. Your word is your truth. As you believe in your heart so shall it be done unto you.

In the begining was the word and the word is God and the kingdom of God is within you. God is spirit and the spirit of truth is within you. My father and I are one. You and your words are one so please choose your words wisely for out of the abundance of your heart(subconscious mind) the mouth speaks. This is the truth that will set you free from all your worries , challenges and problems.

Speak into your life, speak and focus on good news today!

Blessings Always Friends

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