Be the change you want to experience in your reality

This my daily meditation today. This is the day that The Lord has created I am rejoicing and I am glad in it. No weapons spoken or formed against me shall prosper for The Lord is my Shepard and If God is with me who can be against me.

I am believe expressed. My thoughts and feeling create my destiny.I am experiencing the grace of love today. I am Thinking and focusing on positive thoughts today, Because with God all things are possible.

Change your thinking and your self image and transform your reality.As a man thinks in his subconscious mind so is he.

Concentrate your attention upon the idea of identifying yourself with your ideal. ASSUME YOU ARE ALREADY THAT WHICH YOU SEEK and your assumption, though false, if sustained, will harden into fact. – Neville Goddard. – Assumptions Harden Into Facts.

If you control your thoughts, fight the 1 second decisions and keep going. That when you reach the breakthroughs. You will realise a whole new level of being a human being.

You need to look for approval within yourself not externally. Most people are so paralysed by fear that they don’t know exactly how to turn their dreams into reality. Decide to use fear, not let fear use you.

YOU MUST MAKE THE EFFORT TO LOOK AT THE WORLD MENTALLY AND SEE IT REFLECT YOUR FULFILLED DESIRE. And when it does you must remain in that state until you reach the inner conviction that what you are seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing is true, clothe yourself in the feeling of its reality – and explode! Do that and you are pregnant. And what do you do after pregnancy? Nothing! You simply wait for its birth to appear in its own appointed hour. And it will! When you least expect it your desire will objectify itself in the world for you to enjoy, whether it be health, wealth, or fame. That’s how God’s law works. – – Neville Goddard

There is no God besides me, I am that I am . My father and I are one. There is no one to change but self. Change begins with self. Be the change you want to experience in your reality. You can only be empowered by two forces or realities in this world Love( God) or Satan (Fear). The choice is always yours to choose. You are a free spirit and you have free will.
Everything is a state of consciousness.

Always meditate on Love empowering thoughts and actions day and night.
8 things to give up:
1- Doubting yourself
2 – Negative Thinking
3 – Fear Of Failure
4 – Criticizing yourself and others.
5 – Negative Self Talk
6 – Procrastination
7 – Fear of success
8 – People pleasing
All is well, blessings Always

My father and I are one. My father is my expression of my feelings and my thoughts and Love is my law today and always. Amen

Blessings Always

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