you-always-reap-what-you-sow-there-is-no-shortcut-quote-1 Hello Friends.

This is the day that The Lord (Love) has made I am rejoicing and I am glad in it, Blessings and love always.

Here is my thought for today using Esoteric science.

The Bible teaches as a man thinks so is he and  as you believe in your heart so shall it be done unto you, you will always reap what you sow in your heart (subconscious mind).

This is the truth that will set you free from the worlds limited mindset and belief systems.

Be the kind of person you will like to meet or be. If you want to meet good people, you must be good yourself.

Your reality is like a mirror reflecting back to you what you are thinking or feeling within yourself, because it is your feeling, belief and the faith you hold about your thoughts that’s the secret.

You will always experience whatever you think, feel of people around you or the world. Your thought, word or law will become flesh(reality) in your life.

Your word become things because thoughts are things.

God is my reality and imagining creates reality. Your thought and words are creative power. Your thoughts and words are seeds you sow and you will always reap what you sow.

You sow hate and you will reap hate.

You sow love and you will reap love. You sow poverty thoughts and speak words of lack and you will reap poverty and lack.

You sow prosperity thoughts and speak words of abundance, you will reap love, good health,happiness, success, prosperity and money.

God is the only power and there is no other God besides me. The power of mind (imagination) is the most powerful and the only power in the universe.

The truth is the truth before it was written in the bible or before Jesus spoke it.

The bible says before Abraham was, I AM, God the creator was here before the beginning of time and creation.

I AM is eternal, immortal, infinite and everlasting. I AM has no Beginning and not end. I AM is the Alfa and the Omega.

I AM That I AM Is the name or the nature of God and God is Love and love is an attitude of heart.

The only person you see or experience is yourself, because you are yourself push out.

Everybody you see, meet, give to, share bread with, bless, tithe into, sow into, help and experience is yourself pushed out. The people I meet are me.

God is thought and the Lord is the law by which your thought operates.

The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us my thoughts and words are always becoming flesh (reality) and as you believe in your heart so shall it be done unto you and you will always reap what you sow.

You become what you think about and feel about yourself 24/7.

The kingdom of God and heaven is within you. Now is the time to re new your mind, because as you believe in your heart (Subconscious mind) so shall it  done unto you.

So friends always remember you have the commanding power within you. Use your power wisely. Ye are gods and children of The Most High!

Love and Blessings Always 🙂

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