Everything I desire is within

I am prosperity, I am abundant, I am healthy, I am love, I am blessed, I am rich, I am always fulfilled. The kingdom of Heaven is within and Heaven is a state of mind. There is no poverty in heaven, There is no sickness in heaven. There is no lack in heaven, There is no fear in heaven.
Everything I desire is in the kingdom of heaven within. I am in the kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of heaven is limitless and infinite. I am the temple of the living God and the kingdom of God (Love) is within. my father and I are one.
The words I speak to you are spirit and life. Just believe and you will see (experience). the glory (power and manifestation) of God in your life. Everything depends always on your state of mind and belief is absolutely necessary. Lord I believe.
Blessings Always 🙂
Its nice to hear that very many people are really caring about there lyf by beliving in wisdom like me this said , i pray that i recieve more information about wisdom thats very much may God bless you abandantely