The Complete Neville Goddard Reader 10 Of Neville Goddard’s Spiritual Classics!

“Higher Recommended Best Seller Neville Goddard Book : A Must Have Neville Goddard Collection In One Book. A Must Have book” A Must Have Neville Goddard Collection In One Book. The Complete Neville Goddard Reader From Audio Enlightenment Includes All 10 of Neville Goddard’s Spiritual Classics: * At Your Command * Awakened Imagination & The…
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All Things Exists In The Human Imagination!

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein Awaken your imagination today by being yourself. Experience who you truely are today, you are the dreamer and the creative higher intelligence within. Suspend reason, logic and go beyond your doubts. The creator is in you and you are all imagination. You and imagination are one. I…
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You Are But A Reflection Of Your Imagination!

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~ Albert Einstein Your relationship with the world is like a reflection in a mirror. Everything and all your life experience is a reflection of your relationship with this worlds belief systems. Like the saying goes, As you believe in your heart (imagination) so shall it…
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Your Treasure Is What You Focus On In Every Moment.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21)  Your treasure could be love, hate, worry, abundance, poverty, debt, riches, prosperity, success, failure, faith, fear, doubt, money, lack of money, Family, Peace of mind & wealth. The scripture teaches that out of the abundance of your heart (spirit) your mouth speaks. God…
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Your Thinking Determines Your Destiny!

  Thinking is the process of asking and answering questions within. Your thoughts drives your mind and your mindset determines your state of mind, your thinking (imagining) determines your destiny.   So it means friends, you have to think about, what you are thinking about, because thoughts (images) are things. A thought (Image) is alive and…
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Imagination Is Reality Always Imagine Yourself Blessed!

Imagination is reality and imagining creates reality. Always see yourself and experience yourself as blessed, prospering, successful and wealthy in your imagination. Always live and experience your ideal reality in your imagination. 24/7 Living in imagination or in the spirit must become a way of life 24/7. I mean this is a life style for…
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Imagining And Thought Are One

  Imagining And Thought Are One And The Same. Imagining Creates Reality. Imagination Is Reality. The Real Meaning Of Faith Is Being Loyal To Your Unseen Reality Within. Nothing Is Higher Than The Truth That Is Within You. Never Give Up On Your Dream. Always Imagine The Best In Everything! Daydreaming. Imagining. Thoughts Are Mental Activities….
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Neville Goddard Influential New Thought Teacher (1905-1972)

Neville Goddard, better known as just Neville, was one of the quietly dramatic and supremely influential teachers in the New Thought field for many years…In a simple, yet somehow elegant one-hour lecture, Neville was able to clarify the nature of God and God’s relationship to every person. He spoke of God in intimate terms as…
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